Our Programs

Springdale adopts UK based International Curriculum that transforms the little ones to early readers and writers. Our objective is to develop in every Springdaler a love and passion for English language and positive attitude towards speaking good English. We give the opportunity to learn the language in an English speaking environment. We provide an excellent early education for the child's overall development since the early years of a child is crucial. Our Goal is to provide safe, friendly and exciting environment for our little Springdalers where they play, sing and laugh while they learn.

  • Playgroup – Age 1.5 to 2.5 years
  • Every child is born special and should be treated that way. Our play group toddler program is uniquely designed to accommodate students from all backgrounds. A home away from home, Springdalers learn through an exciting range of activities. By playing and exploring, they develop their ability to think cognitively and creatively alongside their peers in a controlled and safe environment.

  • Nursery – Age 2.5 to 3.5 years
  • In our nursery, Sprindalers are offered a wide range of inquiry and critical thinking based opportunities where they learn about books, art, environments, cultures, numeracy and literacy. Springdale follows the world renowned and internationally accepted 'Letterland' learning system which transform your little ones to confident readers and writers at an early age.

  • LKG – 3.5 to 4.5 years
  • In LKG, Springdalers are introduced to a more formal education, while also promoting fun, exploration and creativity. We do this so as to make the transition to upper education levels smoother for our Springdalers. There is an emphasis on numeracy and literature as the children progress naturally through their time in this grade. Our curriculum is designed with emphases in specific areas of learning and development like Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the world, Expressive arts and design.

  • UKG- 4.5 to 5.5 years
  • Springdalers in our UKG are more active and highly motivated. They are now able to communicate and converse in English with full confidence. They learn to read and to write in complete sentences. They will be more confident in identifying the pre math concepts. They are now able to handle their craft work without help. They will be aware of space and manipulative skills in the indoor and outdoor environment. Through stories and imaginative play they show an increasing ability to use their imagination, to listen and to observe. The preschool days are over and they are well equipped and confident to face the Primary School.

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